Ps vita lego batman 2 walkthrough
Ps vita lego batman 2 walkthrough

ps vita lego batman 2 walkthrough ps vita lego batman 2 walkthrough

Lastly, the game box is just a lie! It lists no Vita multiplayer when there is Ad-hoc co-op (which is really fun). But the lack of open-world just kills me. Gameplay is the same formula, but updated in a really fun way. The cut-scenes are generic to the 3DS and Vita versions, and the voice overs and music are awesome. But by saying in pre-game interviews, about the VITA version, that there was open-world, and then not delivering it at all? That knocks alot off my score, and happiness. The game is fun, the graphics are crisp on the Vita, and the NEAR functionality really lends itself well to the handheld. If the pre-game hype had mentioned that only the home console versions were open-world, I would have rated higher, and might in the future still buy LEGO games, but this killed me. If the pre-game hype had mentioned that only the home So I love LEGO games, but this game, while an awesome concept, is a big let-down. So I love LEGO games, but this game, while an awesome concept, is a big let-down.

ps vita lego batman 2 walkthrough

Just rent the dark knight if you want a batman story! Lots of fun for you and a buddy, or if you have no friends, then tons of replay value to keep you busy! … Expand then again dying doesnt really matter in this game 3) Cut-scenes do suck, BUT ITS A FRIGGIN LEGO GAME, did you really have a high expectation of a gripping story? Who wouldnt skip every single cut-scene in a gae like this to get back to smashing minions into bits. I only have a few MINOR issues: 1) no map in co-op makes it hard to find your partner, especially if you're used to saying "its over here." 2) no option to turn off friendly fire which can cause some tension when you have accidentally thrown your batarang at your buddies face and killed him for the third time.


and i will definitely continue to buy games in this series from this point on, based on this game.


I am no Lego "fanboy", never owned another game in the series, save for the free indiana jones game that came with my 360. I really enjoy the game, granted the console feature of the open world would have been greatly appreciated, but you cant base your judgement on this game solely on that. I am glad i bought the game and to me the price seems fair for what you are getting, which is a solid co-op experience, perfect for two buddies to hack away at either in the same room(ad-hoc) or wirelessly anywhere in the world(wifi). True the price is a bit steep for a game that wasn't ported from the console versions, but they arent going to release a feature game as long as this one for less than 39.99 when freaking Lumines is(or was i dont care to follow that game) the same price! This game has soooo much more content and replay value. Its fun, there is tons to do, the graphics are fine(remember its not a $5,000 computer in your palms and were not talkin' max payne 3.). Of course the game is not as "Good" as it is on the consoles, but come on. At first i was very hesitant to purchase the game, especially after reading the back of the box and seeing 1PLAYER written on it, luckily that is NOT true and you most definitely can easily jump into an online or ad-hoc game with a friend. At I bought the game already knowing that the open world aspect the console version have was not the same at all in the handheld version. I bought the game already knowing that the open world aspect the console version have was not the same at all in the handheld version.

Ps vita lego batman 2 walkthrough